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Dorchester School District Two Website
Please contact the SDS Administrator of the Facilities, Custodial, or Nutritional Department IMMEDIATELY if there are any chemicals in your inventory that are not in this system
Welcome page
Dorchester School District Two
Adult Ed
Elementary Schools
Alston-Bailey Elementary
Beech Hill Elementary
Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary
Eagle Nest Elementary
Flowertown Elementary
Fort Dorchester Elementary
Joseph Pye Elementary
Knightsville Elementary
Newington Elementary
Oakbrook Elementary
Sand Hill Elementary
Spann Elementary
Summerville Elementary
William M. Reeves, Jr. Elementary
Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary
Givhans Alternative Program
High Schools
Ashley Ridge High
Fort Dorchester High
Summerville High
Middle Schools
Alston Middle School
Dubose Middle
Gregg Middle
Oakbrook Middle
River Oaks Middle
Rollings Middle School of the Arts
Cheetah Pro
Custodial Dept. Written HazCom Program - SHS
Herbicide, Ranger PRO